Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Video for Umuzi

Dave and Andrew from the Umuzi Photo Club ( also has a better version of the video) are doing an interview for eTV (it's national!) and asked me to make a short video for them to show what goes on in the classroom.
Needless to say, I slaved over Final Cut for several days and this was the end result. 
Special thanks to:
Andrew and Dave for some of the footage and photos from the gallery. 
Thanks to Thato for giving me Final Cut Pro.
Thanks to the students for the amazing photographs and inspiration. 
Music: Amagugu "Ulimelani Endleleni (Why Are You Cultivating Near The Path?)"


  1. Amazing Em! Their voices told the story, their pictures showed the story, and your heart made the story. Thank you. Thank you.

  2. Well done Em the blood sweat and tears that went into this certainly paid off. You did very well. The video really gives a small insight into what you guys at Umuzi are trying to achieve thats awesome.

    Keep up the amazing work

    John Bapitiste III

  3. Hey Lover,
    Your video was absolutely beautiful, of course I expected nothing less from you. The poem...touching. I can't wait for you to get back here, although it's obvious you still have a lot of work there left to be complete.

    Caitlin Covey
    (now, 35 weeks pregnant)

  4. Hi Em,

    Awesome video! All of your hard work certainly was gripping. I liked how you ended it with "I wish I was blind..." It's very hopeful and uplifting. Thanks so much for sharing! National TV--WOW.

    Love, Claire

  5. Simply beautiful!

    --Vickie M.
